Do you know what I hate?

Well I hate a lot of things, but this thing in particular today:

I hate when my parents get the notion, from god knows where, that it's okay to barge into my room and disturb my cuddly cocoon of comfort. I hate that my parents thought there was a problem with me not disturbing people and people not disturbing me. I hate the fact that this morning my parents slammed open the door, opened my cozy cocoon, and blinded me with light. I hate that my parents decided to disrupt me at 5 just to tell me that I should probably wash the dishes at some point that day. I hate that they didn't think a note on the table where I eat my breakfast every morning would suffice. I hate that I'm no longer cocooned. I hate that I'm writing instead of burrowing into my blankets. I hate I hate I hate.


9/1/2013 05:12:52 am

#hatersgonnahate I'm sorry to hear that. Blankety cocoons sound lovely.


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