Well readers, it's been just about a year.

One year of the, um, unique pages and personalities.
One year of Honors English classes.
One year of shopping adventures, especially at Whole Foods.
One year of ultimate fangirling.
One year of rants, revelations, and random blog posts.

One year since one crazy night of hyperactivity, when this blog was created.
Thanks for sticking around -- here's to many more.

Love, Lynzy and the rest of the Brain Vomit crew
Close your eyes. Let my words wash over you. You are safe now.

to Night Vale.

To those who are unaware of the dangers and curiosities of Night Vale, do not be afraid. The hooded figures are currently confined to the dog park. The glow cloud has passed. Street Cleaning Day is over. Even the Secret Police are preoccupied with feral dogs.
For now.

Imagine a town not dissimilar to your own. The people are seemingly friendly, the school system is passable, and town activities bring meaning into life. Everything appears normal. Or... is it?

(The Welcome to Night Vale podcast can be downloaded for free off iTunes. I highly recommend.)

And now, goodnight fellow people.
May the dark be upon you.

It's an interesting time when you are reminded just how weird you are.

On this particular day, it happened while JoDee, Steveinator, some other friends and I are sitting in Whole Foods. I have some crazy caffeinated tea, Steve is rocking a kilt and attempting to drink pretty much all of her gallon-sized water jug, and Bilbo (you'll meet her soon enough) is eating shredded cheese out of a bag with a spoon. Not to mention our awesome Panic! jamming (their new single, Miss Jackson, is BOMB).

So that's how our day is going. You see, this is what happens when someone (I won't name names - coughitwasmecough) messed up on movie times and we decided to just walk around instead. We end up in a grocery store laughing hysterically and reading anatomy books.

Welcome to CandyLand.

Couresy of Steve.


So anyways, today I was parking in the Powell's parking structure (really sketch by the way, I don't recommend it) and written in the dust on a window was the words "I am the Doctor," followed by a crude Deathly Hallows symbol. You know, the triangle with the circle in it?
So I go up there and write a question.
THE question.
The question that must never be answered.
The question that defines all of space and time.
I went up there and wrote

"Doctor Who?"

Why hello.
Didn't see you there.

In fact, I haven't seen you in a long time. Now, why do you think that is?
It could be because:
a) I've been busy (yeah right)
b) I forgot about you
c) I lost my password
d) I was abducted by aliens

Or, it could be the fact that simply I was lazy. And this is only partially true.
Okay, maybe it's more than partially true, but I really did miss this whole blog-thing. Hopefully I can get the other people to post something here every once in a while as well. THEN IT WOULD BE A PARTY!
And we all know how partying is with us... (See: Steve after 2am)

Anywhoozles (my new favorite word), it's been nice chatting. Hopefully I'll see you in the near future. If not, check your local news for evidence of a UFO sighting. I mean, you never know.

I'm going to sign off now.


My break's been pretty chill. Exceeeept for the fact that I procrastinated on my homework Thursday night and now it is taunting me. But Good Omens and Bones and the Wipeout app can be oh so distracting..... Wait, what was I saying?

Oh right. Procrastination. Sorta how I roll in most cases. Not a good way, I can assure you. BecAUSE THIS IS NOT GOING TO FLY NEXT YEAR. OH WOOPS I PUT CAPS LOCK ON. DO YOU MIND? CUZ I DON'T.



For Moxie. L
Hey! Guess what I found?! My vocabulary quiz in which you write a story! This particular one was about Rose and the Doctor. It's not terrible considering what little time and energy I most likely had that day. SHARING TIME!

It was an extremely dangerous plan. Rose and the Doctor had to feign capture by the Daleks and defeat them before Earth became DEVOID of the human race and overrun by the monsters. The Doctor was IMPASSIVE when explaining the plan; he showed neither fear nor excitement. So Rose's ACQUIESCENCE was slightly surprising. However, she had been known to be TEMERITIVE and courageous. Her response was SUCCINCT: "I'm in."
It was a common TENET that the Daleks were overwhelmingly evil and destructive, shouting "EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!" as a battle cry. Don't let them fool you with their impressive VENEER, though - underneath their shiny, advanced, and modern surface is an octopus-like killer. They believed human existence was in no way a PREROGATIVE, but a disgrace to the universe and therefore Earth should be surrendered to the fighting machines.
As Rose and the Doctor were CONNIVING, the Daleks were using their alien weaponry of deadly plunger and gun arms to demolish all of Earth and install their kind. Rose's boyfriend Mickey, the more FATALISTIC of the three, was sure everyone was going to die and preferred to do so in their spaceship, the TARDIS. But there was no time to panic. The Doctor and Rose boldly went into action and stepped outside the TARDIS onto now-Dalek territory. The two put their hands up.
"We surrender!" the Doctor OBLIQUELY shouted. He was speaking to no one in particular. "We are in Dalek hands now."
A machine cautiously moved towards them. "Your politeness is stunning," the Dalek explained. "It seems your IMPUDENT attitude has surpassed."
"I wouldn't be so sure," Rose spat. The two victims followed the Dalek to their prison.
It was perfect. The VOLITION to eliminate the Daleks once and for all was going exactly as planned. It was only a matter of time to victory.

If you ask nice, you may be able to convince Queenie to share his story about his female alter-ego having some "southern fun." You'd all enjoy that a lot. Thanks for reading anyways, if you made it through without falling asleep. I sincerely hope you learned some very valuable vocabulary word today. Happy writing!

Because we're just that cool.

And because none of us have dates..
Hey! Guess what guys! We survived today! No way!

Yeahhh... I think we all saw that coming.
