So anyways, today I was parking in the Powell's parking structure (really sketch by the way, I don't recommend it) and written in the dust on a window was the words "I am the Doctor," followed by a crude Deathly Hallows symbol. You know, the triangle with the circle in it?
So I go up there and write a question.
THE question.
The question that must never be answered.
The question that defines all of space and time.
I went up there and wrote

"Doctor Who?"

Why hello.
Didn't see you there.

In fact, I haven't seen you in a long time. Now, why do you think that is?
It could be because:
a) I've been busy (yeah right)
b) I forgot about you
c) I lost my password
d) I was abducted by aliens

Or, it could be the fact that simply I was lazy. And this is only partially true.
Okay, maybe it's more than partially true, but I really did miss this whole blog-thing. Hopefully I can get the other people to post something here every once in a while as well. THEN IT WOULD BE A PARTY!
And we all know how partying is with us... (See: Steve after 2am)

Anywhoozles (my new favorite word), it's been nice chatting. Hopefully I'll see you in the near future. If not, check your local news for evidence of a UFO sighting. I mean, you never know.

I'm going to sign off now.
