Do you know what I hate?

Well I hate a lot of things, but this thing in particular today:

I hate when my parents get the notion, from god knows where, that it's okay to barge into my room and disturb my cuddly cocoon of comfort. I hate that my parents thought there was a problem with me not disturbing people and people not disturbing me. I hate the fact that this morning my parents slammed open the door, opened my cozy cocoon, and blinded me with light. I hate that my parents decided to disrupt me at 5 just to tell me that I should probably wash the dishes at some point that day. I hate that they didn't think a note on the table where I eat my breakfast every morning would suffice. I hate that I'm no longer cocooned. I hate that I'm writing instead of burrowing into my blankets. I hate I hate I hate.


Close your eyes. Let my words wash over you. You are safe now.

to Night Vale.

To those who are unaware of the dangers and curiosities of Night Vale, do not be afraid. The hooded figures are currently confined to the dog park. The glow cloud has passed. Street Cleaning Day is over. Even the Secret Police are preoccupied with feral dogs.
For now.

Imagine a town not dissimilar to your own. The people are seemingly friendly, the school system is passable, and town activities bring meaning into life. Everything appears normal. Or... is it?

(The Welcome to Night Vale podcast can be downloaded for free off iTunes. I highly recommend.)

And now, goodnight fellow people.
May the dark be upon you.

So I thought that I should probably introduce myself to y'all....

My name is Bilbo and all that you guys know about me is that I like to eat shredded cheese right out of the bag (that probably tells you WAAAY more about me than you ever wanted to know, but oh well).

I'm new to this whole blogging thing, so bear with me as I get the hang of it. Fortunately I have a lot of random brain vomit to share with all of y'all.



It's an interesting time when you are reminded just how weird you are.

On this particular day, it happened while JoDee, Steveinator, some other friends and I are sitting in Whole Foods. I have some crazy caffeinated tea, Steve is rocking a kilt and attempting to drink pretty much all of her gallon-sized water jug, and Bilbo (you'll meet her soon enough) is eating shredded cheese out of a bag with a spoon. Not to mention our awesome Panic! jamming (their new single, Miss Jackson, is BOMB).

So that's how our day is going. You see, this is what happens when someone (I won't name names - coughitwasmecough) messed up on movie times and we decided to just walk around instead. We end up in a grocery store laughing hysterically and reading anatomy books.

Welcome to CandyLand.

Couresy of Steve.