"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Twilight Zone!" Cue the creepy music.

I'd just like to somewhat publicly announce that you all should watch this show (Netflix!) because it is very brainvomit worthy. Some of the episodes are quite deep, with allusions to social issues and other.... stuff. Plus, they're classics. So when the discussion about whether there was <<spoiler alert>> really a gremlin on that wing plane, you can jump in about how there DEFINITELY WAS. For starters, I'd recommend "The After Hours", "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet", and "The Living Doll". Go. The Twilight Zone awaits you.

After analyzing the inspiring movie, "Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale," Sparrow and I noticed quite a lot of hidden symbolism. Yes. You can learn a lot about life's values from Barbie.

You see, in the movie, there are these "flairies" (they're not faries, they don't have wings, gosh.) They go into their magical wardrobe home and transform a regular article of clothing into a brilliantly sparkling, almost blinding, piece of work. Barbie and her friends needed this flair to keep her aunt's fashion boutique from closing. Instead of realizing that we watch Barbie movies for fun, the two of us uncovered the deeply embedded symbolism that will surely enlighten little kids' lives.

Shimmer, the leader, represents individuality and originality. Glimmer, an intelligent soul, represents inner beauty. And Shine, clumsy yet determined, represented pride and confidence. The fact that Barbie depended on their magic proved that each and every person needs to be themselves and embrace individuality, recognize that they are beautiful, and have confidence in themselves in order to thrive and live a healthy life.

The misunderstanding that caused a "break-up" between Barbie and Ken just taught us not to trust jealous neighbors.

See? Barbie's not just for little girls anymore.

Enjoy. -Lynzy