Let's ask our friend Ryan Higa for some perspective:




When the world gets too heavy
Put it on my back, I'll be your levy
You are taking me apart
Like bad glue on a get-well card

Ah. That's better. Not really. So where was I?

Oh that's right.
Things that make me overly excited when I'm sick and my brain is foggy:
A. Sweats and the fact that they don't require belts
B. Huge bowls of salad, all to myself
C. Blankets. Lots and lots of blankets.
D. On Demand
E. The Internet
F. Pocket Frogs
G. Sleep

Stay healthy, my germ-susceptible friends.
So, in the Halloween spirit, my dad started putting up these spiders he made out of hot glue and whatever piping he could find in the garage. At first there were a few, and then they suddenly had lots of kids..

So anyways, like any other day I'm in my room and hear something in the driveway. Of course, intruiged, I peer out the window and see this little guy:
It's like, WHOA! Hi there! Um, you weren't there before...
I swear it's like a weeping spider. It seems to get a little closer each time I look outside... Closer... Closer... Aaaaand then you're dead.
Happy Halloween!

Well, that was a fun football game!

Even though our team sucks, like 28-0-by-the-third-quarter-against-another-bad -team sucks, it's still fun to go support Steve and our other friends in the band (and then buy cookies any chance we get.)

Tonight in particular, I took my pink pompoms (supporting breast cancer week) and danced like NOBODY'S BUSINESS along with the cheerleaders and dance team, sort of that creeper wannabe on the sidelines, the unofficial cheerleader who has crazy pep. THAT'S ME! I think I pretty much got all the routines down...
And it only cost me $3! I bought two pompoms, then put them in my pant pockets so I'd have tassel pants (this is what happens when I have caffeine), and one went missing - wouldn't be that hard to take while I'm so hyper on Peace Tea. So I bought another one, because how can I be pep master with only one weapon?

Speaking of Master! WE MADE "VOTE SAXON 2012" SHIRTS!!! Preeeetty sweet. Even though Steve's was ruined- twice. So now we have to head back to Jo Ann's. And maybe get some more dino cookies on the way?

Hope I didn't scare you,
Steve bought these epic dino cookies approximately 3 minutes ago.
Steve is awesome.
And looooves her cookies!





I DID IT!!!!

I FINALLY found a shirt for my Rose Tyler Halloween costume! After hours and hours of frantic searching... my mom found it in 30 seconds. Seriously. That's the magic of mom power.

So this is exciting. I think our Whovian cosplay clan is going to be quite the hot topic this Wednesday night. Not to mention our "Vote Saxon 2012" t-shirts we're wearing on Election Day... yeah, it's a pretty chill setup.

Forever a fffffffffffangirl,




And ^that^'s not even half of it. I had free time yesterday (a foreign concept) so I literally watched five episodes of Doctor Who straight. That is the equivalent of about four hours.

Hooray for the BBC!
After analyzing the inspiring movie, "Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale," Sparrow and I noticed quite a lot of hidden symbolism. Yes. You can learn a lot about life's values from Barbie.

You see, in the movie, there are these "flairies" (they're not faries, they don't have wings, gosh.) They go into their magical wardrobe home and transform a regular article of clothing into a brilliantly sparkling, almost blinding, piece of work. Barbie and her friends needed this flair to keep her aunt's fashion boutique from closing. Instead of realizing that we watch Barbie movies for fun, the two of us uncovered the deeply embedded symbolism that will surely enlighten little kids' lives.

Shimmer, the leader, represents individuality and originality. Glimmer, an intelligent soul, represents inner beauty. And Shine, clumsy yet determined, represented pride and confidence. The fact that Barbie depended on their magic proved that each and every person needs to be themselves and embrace individuality, recognize that they are beautiful, and have confidence in themselves in order to thrive and live a healthy life.

The misunderstanding that caused a "break-up" between Barbie and Ken just taught us not to trust jealous neighbors.

See? Barbie's not just for little girls anymore.

Enjoy. -Lynzy




WHAAA? How is Criminal Minds is NOT on On Demand??

Okay, well I'm just going to go cry now. I'm sorry Dr. Reid, I guess I'll just have to see you another time. Until then, ILY...
